March 08, 2012

New Years List....Better Late than Never!

Okay so I suppose this kind of drifts away from my attempts of being the new and improved Rockabilly Gal, but I had to share this ingenius little gem. PLUS it is about a month or two late.  I still think it's important.   It's a new year and although I still have not given up hope with regards to my wants of pin curls, circle skirts and fun swallow tattoos, I have made a list of things I want to accomplish. I am not a believer of making New Year's Resolutions.
Why make a bunch of promises to myself that I probably won't keep?  Only then to feel guilty for breaking the promises I kept to myself.  It seems like a bit of a vicious circle if you ask me.  So instead of making resolutions, I have made a list of things I would "like" to accomplish.  

1) Do something about this house.  Its a lovely little house, but it's old and we have had it decorated the same way for 5 years now.  I know...don't fix what ain't broke.....well there are a few things that I think could be fixed and a few things that just require updating!!! So although this is one entry on my list it is a very involved entry!

2) Have more sex! (Please dear lord, don't let my kid read this!) Yes, I said it.  Why shouldn't I say it?  Why can't I say it.  I want to do 'it' more.  Lots more.  In different ways more.  Okay so you get the idea. Did I mention lots.....Okay...okay...

3) A craft a month.  I always get it in my mind to do a craft blog, but honestly, there are literally thousands upon thousands of craft blogs. I would just be doing something everyone else has done.  So to simplify things and to appease the craft lusting demon within (still thinking about list entry number two..sorry) I am going I am going to try to do a craft a month.  
4) Take better care of myself.  Yeah yeah yeah.  This goes on everyone's list for revamps for the new year.  I am not saying that I am hopping and totting off to the gym.  I am not saying that I am going to give up my favorite little treats and start to drink alfalfa smoothies and chew on tree bark.  I am just going to breathe more deeply, smile and laugh more, treat my body better. My one and only vessel through this crazy life and I still have a few years left to ruin it.  I would love to lose a bunch of weight, but just like quitting smoking, I am not ready to take the plunge head first into the murky waters of exercise and diet changes.

5) Get a tattoo or two.  I have so many ideas of tattoos I want. Want Want Want.  I know it's marking my body.  What will they look like when you are fifty? sixty?  I don't know and I don't care.  I want!  (STAY TUNED FOR MY UPDATE ON THIS ONE!!!)
6) Did I mention more sex?

7) Better the relationships with the people around me.  I have found over the last few years, I have taken to my electronics, my own little vices and have put aside the importance of spending time with the people that I love.  Surprised?  A housewife who is all giving all hours feels like she needs to give more?  It's a different type of giving.  It's a mutual enjoyment of time.  Sharing the fun things that we used to. Damnit, THEY will join me in this venture or ELSE!!

8)Do what I love. This relates to more of a professional interest. I have spent my whole life not sure what I want to do with it.  Probably why I don't have an actual certified career.

SO there ya have it.  THE LIST.....THEEEE LIST....okay maybe just one of the many lists!   Will be reporting on my adventures and how I am conquering these!!!


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