September 21, 2011

Fun and Frugality - Vintage Purse Revamp

Okay so my current sewing projects aren't getting anywhere. Sometimes you get these great ideas and then all of a sudden the wind disappears from those sails. My sewing ability at the moment has declined due to lack of interest fighting with a certain sleeve of a certain sweater.

Alas do not fear!!! I do have a fun and frugal revamp. My girlfriend and I were out doing a little bit of garage sailing (where you sail past garage sales) and we came across some awesome finds. This is just one of my many. I came across this cute little orange purse for $5.00. It even smells like a grandma inside. Can't get much more retro than that!!! I also came across some studs. (Calm down ladies..the metal ones) They cost me about $.50. So this little project cost about $5.50 and took me about 10 minutes. Just what I like. Cheap and easy... errrrr...

The purse...

The studs....

Setting them on the pattern drawn on with an eye pencil.(wipes off easiest)



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